Create Softwarecenter Shortcut in Start Menu via Configmgr

Target: Create Softwarecenter shortcut in start menu for all users and deploy it via Configmgr package

In my previous post I discripted howto create shortcuts in start menu and in the taskbar via Configmgr. In this post I’ll show you an example to create in Windows 10 start menu a shorcut to the softwarecenter of Configmgr.

You can download the package sources from the following link:

The package includes the Pinto10v2.exe and the powershell script to create the shortcut.


Source-Code of the .ps1:

#create shortcut and pinto Start-menu on Windows 10

.\PinTo10v2.exe /pinsm “$env:Homedrive\Windows\CCM\SCClient.exe”

#Rename the Shortcut

Get-ItemProperty “$env:Homedrive\Users\$env:USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\SCClient.lnk” | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace “SCClient”,”Softwarecenter”} -PassThru

Howto deploy the package.

Create a new package:


With a program – as command line use the .ps1 file. Run the program with user rights:


In the first test you can set the visibility to “Normal” for production deployments set it to Hidden:


Limit the package to Win10:


Distribute the package to the required Distribution-Points. And deploy it the the required collection.

The result will look like below.

Before the script runs:




Create shortcuts in taskbar and start menu on Windows 10 via ConfigMgr

Target: Easily create shortcuts in taskbar and start menu on Windows 10 Professional

I wanted to create a few shortcuts in the taskbar and in the start menu on a few Windows 10 Professional devices.

As we cannot manage the shortcuts with the Windows 10 Professional version – I searched for a solution to manage it via an ConfigMgr package. I found a version of the already known PinTo application which had worked in Windows 7. The new version v2 works also in Windows 10 and the handling is realy easy.

The Sources for the Pinto10v2.exe can be downloaded here / created by Stuart Pearson:

The program is very easy to use - see the syntax below:

Syntax: PinTo10v2 [/pintb | /unpintb | /pinsm | /unpinsm] 'filename'

pintb   = Pin to the Task Bar

unpintb = Unpin from the Task Bar

pinsm   = Pin to the Start Menu

unpinsm = Unpin from the Start Menu


Pin powershell.exe to taskbar:

PinTo10v2.exe /pinsm "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"

Unpin powershell.exe from taskbar:

PinTo10v2.exe /pintb "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"

Pin powershell.exe to start menu:

PinTo10v2.exe /pinsm "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"

Unpin powershell.exe to start menu:

PinTo10v2.exe /pinsm "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"

In this post I’ll explain how to create a shortcut in the taskbar & start menu for Powershell and Internet Explorer.

First copy the PinTo10v2.exe in a folder and create a .cmd file with the required syntax of the Pinto10v2.exe:



Afterwards I created a package that runs in hidden mode:


Distribute the package afterwards to the required distribution-points. And deploy the package to the required collection.

In my case everything went smooth – start menu and taskbar before:


Start menu and taskbar afterwards:


The PinTo10v2.exe can also be used in powershell-script / for example in the App Deployment Toolkit.